воскресенье, 18 декабря 2016 г.


Get acquainted with 50 tongue twisters to improve your pronunciation. Every time you are sure you have mastered one, record and share it. Then choose another. Happy Speaking!


To show your achievements download SocrativeStudent application on your mobile device. Join the room PHONETICSBSU and take the test.

Unit 9. Foreign words

1. Learn about Foreign words (pp 56). Listen to the examples and repeat them after the audio.

2. Complete the assignments (pp. 57).

3. Collect the list of foreign words (15), make sure you know their meaning, record yourself saying them, and share the podcast. 

Unit 8. Syllabic consonants

1. Learn about Syllabic consonants (pp 54). Listen to the examples and repeat them after the audio.

2. Complete the assignments (pp. 55).

3. Can you say 'The Channel Tunnel' with syllabic consonants? Do you know where it is?, record yourself saying them, and share the podcast. 

Unit 7. Weak forms of function words and prominent function words

1. Learn about Weak forms of function words and prominent function words (pp 48, 50). Listen to the examples and repeat them after the audio.

2. Complete the assignments (pp. 49, 51).

3. Find a recording of speech at normal speed with a transcript. Take an extract and try to write down what the speakers are saying. Then check what you have written against the transcript. Note in particular the pronunciation of function words.  Record yourself saying them, and share the podcast. 

Unit 6. One- / two-stress phrasal verbs

1. Learn about one- / two-stress phrasal verbs (pp 44, 46). Listen to the examples and repeat them after the audio.

2. Complete the assignments (pp. 45, 47).

3. When you learn a new phrasal verb, it is helpful to note whether it is a one-stress phrasal verb (if it has a preposition) or a two-stress phrasal verb (if it has an adverb). Collect a list of these words, record yourself saying them, and share the podcast. 

Unit 5. Stress in compound nouns, adjectives, abbreviations

1. Learn about stress in compound nouns, adjectives, abbreviations (pp 38, 40, 42). Listen to the examples and repeat them after the audio.

2. Complete the assignments (pp. 39, 41, 43).

3. Look around your house and list all the things you can see that are two- / three-word compounds. These may be parts of your house or objects inside it. Do you know where the main stress is placed in each? Collect a list of these words, record yourself saying them, and share the podcast.  In this video, Emma will teach you what compound nouns are and how to pronounce them correctly. She will also be teaching you about pronunciation stress, which will help you sound more like a native speaker. After watching, take the quiz to practice everything you have learned.

Unit 4. Prefixes and word stress

1. Learn about prefixes and stress (pp 34, 36). Listen to the examples and repeat them after the audio.

2. Complete the assignments (pp. 35, 37).

3. What other words do you know beginning sub- or super-? Where do they have their main stress? Use a dictionary to check. Collect a list of these words, record yourself saying them, and share the podcast. 

Unit 3. Suffixes and word stress

1. Learn about suffixes and stress (pp 28, 30, 32). Listen to the examples and repeat them after the audio.

2. Complete the assignments (pp. 29, 31, 33).

3. Note down words ending in -ion, -tion, -sion. Mark the stress on them, then check in a dictionary to see if you were right. Collect a list of these words, record yourself saying them, and share the podcast. 

Unit 2. Stress in words and phrases

1. Learn about stress in words and phrases (pp 26). Listen to the examples and repeat them after the audio.

2. Complete the assignments (pp. 27).

3. Do you know of a ny differences in stress in words in British English and in another variety of English you are familiar with?
Collect a list of words that start with these, record yourself saying them, and share the podcast. 

Unit 1. Pronunciation of consonant clusters

1. Learn about pronunciation of consonant clusters at the beginning, end , within and across words (pp 20, 22, 24). Listen to the examples and repeat them after the audio.

2. Complete the assignments (pp. 21, 23, 25).

3. Try building words by adding consonant sounds. Start with a vowel sound , and then add one consonant sound at a time before or after the vowel, in any order, to build new words.
Then say aloud the words you have written . For example :
ache 􀀉 lake 􀀉 flake 􀇔 flakes (2 consonants before the vowel and 2 after)
rye 􀀉 rife 􀀉 rifle 􀀉 trifle 􀀉 trifles (2 before and 3 after)
sea 􀀉 seem 􀀉 scheme 􀀉 scream 􀀉 screamed ( 3 before and 2 after)
Now try with other vowels. 
Follow up: Are there any consonant clusters at the beginning of words that you have special problems with?
Collect a list of words that start with these, record yourself saying them, and share the podcast. 


Phonetics Glossary

As you manage the units of the English pronunciation in Use Course create a glossary defining the terms given. Follow the link to join PHONETICS GLOSSARY

воскресенье, 20 ноября 2016 г.

Podcast creation and sharing

To fulfil your home assignments you will need to create podcasts.
To create it use any of sound editor/ recorder services (you may download them from your Mobile Stores: iTalk (Apple), Quick Record (Android) or dictaphone application in your mobile phone. Then publish it on www.podomatic.com. Share the link by means of feedback form on the side-bar gadget of this blog for me to publish it in the blog.

Shakespeare's Sonnet 130

1. Listen to Sonnet 130 by w. Shakespeare read by Alan Rickman and Tom Hiddlestone 2. Which one do you enjoy more? 3. Train to read this sonnet. 4. Look for the translation of this Sonnet into the Russian (S.Marshak) and Belarusian (U.Dubouka)languages and read the translated versions. 5. Create audiopodcasts in three languages and share them through Thoicethread.com As an example enjoy the project created by 1-st year students Speciality "Modern Foreign Languages" ubder Alesia Prakharenka supervision https://voicethread.com/myvoice/#thread/7753170

пятница, 4 ноября 2016 г.

Pronunciation Challenge: The Chaos by Gerard Nolst Trenité (read by Heather Hansen)

1. Listen to the Pronunciation Challenge: The Chaos by Gerard Nolst Trenité performed by Heather Hansen.

2. Using the online transcribibg services (e.g. http://lingorado.com/transcription) transcribe the  verse and learn to raed it!
Gerard Nolst Trenité - The Chaos (1922)
Dearest creature in creation ˈdɪərɪst ˈkriːtʃər ɪn kriːˈeɪʃn̩
Studying English pronunciation,
  I will teach you in my verse
  Sounds like corpse, corps, horse and worse.
I will keep you, Susy, busy,
Make your head with heat grow dizzy;
  Tear in eye, your dress you'll tear;
  Queer, fair seer, hear my prayer.
Pray, console your loving poet,
Make my coat look new, dear, sew it!
  Just compare heart, hear and heard,
  Dies and diet, lord and word.
Sword and sward, retain and Britain
(Mind the latter how it's written).
  Made has not the sound of bade,
  Say-said, pay-paid, laid but plaid.
Now I surely will not plague you
With such words as vague and ague,
  But be careful how you speak,
  Say: gush, bush, steak, streak, break, bleak ,
Previous, precious, fuchsia, via
Recipe, pipe, studding-sail, choir;
  Woven, oven, how and low,
  Script, receipt, shoe, poem, toe.


Dearest creature in creation

Studying English pronunciation,

   I will teach you in my course
   Sounds like ... ):